When: Sat, October 12, 2019 from 8:00 am – 1:00 pm Where: 4th Avenue Methodist Church, 318 St Catherine Street, Louisville, KY 40203 Contact: Kathleen Connelly Contact Email: kgconn02@louisville.edu Contact Phone: 15023770833 Open Volunteer Spots: Closed

Volunteers should expect to observe, meet people, and if you have Spanish language skills, expect to help communicate between the clinic staff and the patients, because many patients may be Spanish speakers. Please arrive at 8:00AM and do not plan to leave until 1:00PM to 1:30PM. If you are you unsure if you can attend, please do not sign up. The Louisville Dental Society depends on us to provide high quality volunteers and if we do not send enough students or if our members are unable to attend, it makes their job difficult.

Sign Up to Volunteer

We're sorry, but we're no longer accepting new volunteers for this opportunity.